Co. Ishimura Neichi ARCHITECTS , Ltd. First-Class Architect Office ( Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Registration No. 66239 )

2F, 23-10, Senju Motomachi, Adachi City, Tokyo, Japan 120-0041

Ishimura+Neichi is a Tokyo-based architectural practice founded in 2017 by Daisuke Ishimura and Taku Neichi. The studio has been working on a wide range of residential, interior, exhibition, product and furniture design. These designs are based on communication with craftsmen and companies specializing in manufacturing, and we are interested in the honest design, materials and structures that arise from the accumulation of craftsmen's wisdom and technology. In recent years, while engaging in the practice of urban compost and activities to improve city life, we will conduct experimental actions on daily life and the environment where we can approach each other.

Daisuke Ishimura

Architect, born in Tokyo in 1988. He worked for a survey company from 2007 to 2009. After graduating from the Department of Architecture, Division 2 of the Engineering Department of Tokyo University of Science in 2014, he worked at Komada Architects Office from 2014 to 2019. He was in charge of basic, implementation design, and management such as Nishikasai APARTMENTS-2, TRANS, and founded Ishimura+Neichi in 2017. He will be a part-time lecturer at Nippon Institute of Technology from 2022,Tokyo University of Science from 2024.

Neichi Taku

Architect, born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1991. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo City University in 2014, he completed his master's degree in 2017 at USI Accademia di architettura Mendrisio in Switzerland. In the same year, he returned to Japan and founded Ishimura+Neichi. He will be a part-time lecturer at Kanto Gakuin University from 2021 and an educational lecturer at Tokyo City University from 2022. Menbership of Japan Swiss Architectural Association (JSAA) and Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ).



Design by Keita Takemura / Build by mathi

株式会社 Ishimura Neichi 一級建築士事務所
東京都知事登録第 66239
120-0041 東京都足立区千住元町 23-10 MRP石引2F

石村大輔と根市拓により2017年に設立された、東京・千住を拠点 に活動する建築設計事務所です。建築の設計をはじめ、インテリアや展覧会の会場構成、プロダクトや家具のデザインまで、多岐に渡り取り組んでいます。それらの設計のベースには、職人やものづくりを専門とする企業とのコミュニケーションに重きをおいて取り組んでおり、職人の叡智や技術の蓄積の中で生まれる実直なデザインや素材や構法への関心があります。近年は都市型コンポスト の実践や都市生活をより善くするための活動に携わりながら、身近に取り組むことができる日常生活や環境へのアクションを実験的に行っていくことで、そうした知見を建築へと一環して繋いでいきたいと考えております。




一級建築士。1991年神奈川県生まれ。2014年に東京都市大学建築学科卒業後、2017年にスイスのUSI Accademia di architettura Mendrisioで修士課程を修了。同年に帰国し、石村大輔+根市拓を設立。2021年から関東学院大学非常勤講師、2022年から東京都市大学教育講師を務める。日瑞建築文化協会、日本建築学会正会員。




デザイン: Keita Takemura コーディング: mathi

Co. Ishimura Neichi ARCHITECTS , Ltd. First-Class Architect Office ( Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Registration No. 66239 )

2F, 23-10, Senju Motomachi, Adachi City, Tokyo, Japan 120-0041

Ishimura+Neichi is a Tokyo-based architectural practice founded in 2017 by Daisuke Ishimura and Taku Neichi. The studio has been working on a wide range of residential, interior, exhibition, product and furniture design. These designs are based on communication with craftsmen and companies specializing in manufacturing, and we are interested in the honest design, materials and structures that arise from the accumulation of craftsmen's wisdom and technology. In recent years, while engaging in the practice of urban compost and activities to improve city life, we will conduct experimental actions on daily life and the environment where we can approach each other.

Daisuke Ishimura

Architect, born in Tokyo in 1988. He worked for a survey company from 2007 to 2009. After graduating from the Department of Architecture, Division 2 of the Engineering Department of Tokyo University of Science in 2014, he worked at Komada Architects Office from 2014 to 2019. He was in charge of basic, implementation design, and management such as Nishikasai APARTMENTS-2, TRANS, and founded Ishimura+Neichi in 2017. He will be a part-time lecturer at Nippon Institute of Technology from 2022,Tokyo University of Science from 2024.

Neichi Taku

Architect, born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1991. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo City University in 2014, he completed his master's degree in 2017 at USI Accademia di architettura Mendrisio in Switzerland. In the same year, he returned to Japan and founded Ishimura+Neichi. He will be a part-time lecturer at Kanto Gakuin University from 2021 and an educational lecturer at Tokyo City University from 2022. Menbership of Japan Swiss Architectural Association (JSAA) and Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ).



Design by Keita Takemura / Build by mathi

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